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Would you like help with your New Mexico cannabis business license application? Allow our Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico to manage your application from start to finish. This article provides you with a guide for winning a marijuana business license in New Mexico, a market estimated to reach annual sales of $425 million.

But if you’d prefer to speak with our New Mexico Cannabis Consultants on the phone, feel free to schedule a free consultation.Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Laws and Regulations

If you want to start a cannabis business in New Mexico, the first step is to read the laws and regulations. By doing so, you will become familiar with the:

  • program;
  • types of licenses; and
  • how to apply for a New Mexico marijuana business license.

Thus, our New Mexico cannabis consultants recommend that you read:

You should also be aware that the New Mexico Cannabis Control Division will govern the adult-use marijuana industry in New Mexico.

Don’t have time to read hundreds of pages of laws? No need to worry. Our marijuana consultants in New Mexico summarize the important information below.

Timeline for New Mexico Cannabis License Applications

New Mexico is currently accepting applications for all types of cannabis business licenses.

But there are still opportunities for you to submit your application and win a license. Work with our cannabis consulting firm in New Mexico to make your life easier. We’ll write your application for you, saving you time and money.

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Types of Cannabis Licenses in New Mexico

New Mexico shall offer different cannabis licenses for their adult-use market. Each cannabis license allows you to perform a specific set of activities. So you’ll want to choose the marijuana license that aligns with the type of marijuana business you want to run.

Our Cannabis Consultants in New Mexico took the liberty to list the license types below:

  • (1) Cannabis Producers
  • (2) Cannabis Producer Microbusiness
  • (3) Cannabis Manufacturers
  • (4) Cannabis Retailers
  • (5) Cannabis Couriers
  • (6) Vertically Integrated Cannabis Establishments
  • (7) Integrated Cannabis Microbusinesses
  • (8) Cannabis Testing Laboratories
  • (9) Cannabis Consumption Areas
  • (10) Cannabis Servers
  • (11) Cannabis Training and Education Program
  • (12) Cannabis Research Laboratories

*Click this link for a description of each New Mexico Marijuana Business License

Local Jurisdiction Control

Luckily for you and other cannabis entrepreneurs in New Mexico, a local jurisdiction cannot prohibit any cannabis business from locating within their jurisdiction.

Application Process

To apply for a New Mexico cannabis business license, you’ll need to  submit the following:

  • Social and Economic Equity Plan;
  • A diagram of the premise;
  • Demonstration of water rights (for Producers and Manufacturers);
  • Water and Energy use Plan (for Producers and Manufacturers);

In addition, depending on the municipality that you intend to locate in, there may be another application process at the local level. Check with the local city planning department to determine the process of obtaining municipal approval.

New Mexico will score your application on the material listed above. The highest scoring applications will win a license. Thus, it is extremely competitive. Why not let the professionals write your application for you? Our New Mexico cannabis consultants have one of the highest success rates in the industry (90.12%) when it comes to winning licenses.

Contact our New Mexico Marijuana Consulting Firm for assistance with your application.

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Conclusions from our Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Now is the time to submit your New Mexico Cannabis Business Application. The State will receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications. So you’ll want to put forth your best application.

Work with our cannabis consulting firm in New Mexico to make your life easier. Save time and increase your odds of winning by allowing us to write your new Mexico marijuana business license application.

Our New Mexico Marijuana Consultants look forward to helping you become the next cannabis business owner in New Mexico.

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Additional Information from our Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

Personal Cannabis Use Rules in New Mexico

Any person over the age of 21 can possess and use cannabis products in New Mexico. Individuals can have no more than 2 ounces or 16 grams of concentrates on them. You can not consume cannabis products outside of your private residence.

The bill also includes a section where they state that it is unlawful to sell cannabis without a license. Additionally, they include a plethora of consequences for those who violate the age limit or sell cannabis unlawfully.

New Mexico Annual Cannabis Licensing Fees

Our New Mexico Cannabis Consultants provide a summary of the Annual Licensing Fees below. Each type of Adult-use cannabis license in New Mexico has its own unique fees.


Additionally, a licensee cultivating commercial cannabis plants shall be assessed an additional annual fee of $10 per mature cannabis plant at the time of licensing.

License Caps and Limitations

Except as otherwise provided in the Cannabis Regulation Act, the division shall not limit the number of licensed premises a licensee may occupy or operate under a license.

Transferring Licenses

No license shall be transferable or assignable from a licensee to another person. The division shall not allow a person that is licensed as any type of cannabis establishment other than a cannabis research laboratory to hold, directly or indirectly, a cannabis testing laboratory license.

Description of each New Mexico Marijuana Business License

Below our Marijuana Consultants in New Mexico provide a brief description of each of the adult-use cannabis licenses in New Mexico.

(1) Cannabis Producer License in New Mexico

First, a Cannabis Producer License in New Mexico is essentially a cannabis cultivation license. In other words, a New Mexico Cannabis Producer License allows you to cultivate and sell cannabis flower, seeds, and seedings to other cannabis establishments in New Mexico. It also allows you to transport your unprocessed cannabis products to other cannabis establishments in New Mexico.

Our New Mexico Cannabis Consultants included the exact definition of Cannabis Producer Licenses below:

A “cannabis producer” means a person that:

  • (1) cultivates cannabis plants;
  • (2) has unprocessed cannabis products tested by a cannabis testing laboratory;
  • (3) transports unprocessed cannabis products
    only to other cannabis establishments; or
  • (4) sells cannabis products wholesale.

If you’re interested in applying for a cannabis producer license, feel free to reach out to our New Mexico Cannabis Application Writers to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

(2) Cannabis Producer Microbusiness License in New Mexico

Similar to the Cannabis Producer License, New Mexico will also issue a Cannabis Producer Microbusiness License.

More specifically, the cannabis producer microbusiness license means a cannabis producer at a single licensed premise that possesses no more than two hundred total mature cannabis plants at any one time.

(3) Cannabis Manufacturer License in New Mexico

As defined by our cannabis consulting firm in New Mexico, a Cannabis Manufacturer license in New Mexico allows you to conduct cannabis extractions and manufacture cannabis products, including concentrates, cannabis-infused products, and more.

To be clear, New Mexico’s definition of a Cannabis Manufacturer License means a person that:

  • (1) manufactures cannabis products;
  • (2) packages cannabis products;
  • (3) has cannabis products tested by a cannabis testing laboratory; or
  • (4) purchases, acquires, sells, or transports wholesale cannabis products to other cannabis establishments.

Does producing cannabis products interest you? If so, speak to our New Mexico Cannabis Consultants on how to best position yourself for winning a Cannabis Manufacturing License.

(4) Cannabis Retailer License In New Mexico

Next, the New Mexico Cannabis Retailer License is the only license that allows you to sell cannabis and cannabis products directly to consumers. Our Marijuana Consultant in New Mexico included the definition provided by the state: a “cannabis retailer” means a person that sells cannabis products to qualified patients, primary caregivers, or reciprocal participants or directly to consumers.

(5) Cannabis Courier License In New Mexico

To our cannabis consultants, New Mexico has decided to allow the delivery of cannabis directly to consumers. In order to deliver cannabis, you must apply for and win a Cannabis Courier License.

As defined by New Mexico, a “cannabis courier” means a person that transports cannabis products to qualified patients, primary caregivers, or reciprocal participants or directly to consumers.

Our New Mexico cannabis application writers have helped entrepreneurs win delivery and transport licenses in the multiple U.S. States. Our New Mexico Marijuana Consultants have the expertise and resources that can increase your chances of winning a license while also saving you time. If you’d like to speak with one of our cannabis consultants in New Mexico about how to win a Cannabis Courier license (or any license in this post), please feel free to reach out for a free consultation.

Cannabis Consulting Firm in New Mexico

(6) Vertically Integrated Cannabis Establishments in New Mexico

At this point, our New Mexico Cannabis Consultants have described the various cannabis licenses in New Mexico for a specific operation in the cannabis value chain. However, there exists a marijuana license in New Mexico that allows you to combine multiple of the activities the licenses listed above.

With that, Cannabis Consultants in New Mexico present to you the Vertically Integrated Cannabis Establishment license. A Vertically Integrated Cannabis Establishment in New Mexico allows you to perform the activities of a:

  • (1) a cannabis courier;
  • (2) a cannabis manufacturer;
  • (3) a cannabis producer; and
  • (4) a cannabis retailer.

This license type is for those who want to operate at a larger scale and experience the benefits from the economies of scale. However, the start-up costs for this license type are likely to be significantly higher than other cannabis operations.

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Quantum 9

Author Quantum 9

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  • Joe says:

    Hi. It’s Joe. I’m interested in operating a cannabis grow business here in New Mexico. Might i have a chance to talk to you about apply the licenses and the requires for business.

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