Marijuana Environmental Impact Advisor
Shannon Swantek holds a broad knowledge of the environmental, nutritional supplements, and cannabis industries. She has supported the cannabis industry since 2014 in regulatory and consulting roles. She has a robust regulatory background that includes over 12 years of experience performing audits nationally to the ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, and cGMP Standards in environmental, food, agricultural, and cannabis organizations.
Shannon has experience as a project manager, analytical chemist, and senior scientist in environmental, drinking water, and nutritional supplement laboratories. She currently assesses ELAP and cannabis laboratories to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards with two national Accreditation Bodies, as well as performs supplier, gap, and due diligence audits to ISO 9001:2015 and cGMP requirements among other sets of relevant requirements. She also stays active in supporting the development of sets of requirements regarding environmental and cannabis industry good practice. She was awarded the first ORELAP Cannabis Laboratory Program Manager, which put her in the position to advise policy and draft the Oregon laboratory regulations and a large portion of the technical cannabis legislation statewide.
She serves on the editorial board of Terpenes and Testing magazine, writes for journals such as Analytical Cannabis and Extraction Magazine, and presents at conferences such as the Boston and New York Cannabis World Congress and Concentration. With a deep network of industry professionals, Shannon has participated in investor relations such as due diligence audits and introductions, helped processors and producers come up to cGMP and ISO 9001 compliance from facility design to production, and helped license-holders nationwide work with their laboratories for high quality data that is appropriate to their products.
Years of Experience
Project Management
Ms. Swantek will provide guidance on matters involving the environmental impact of the facility and operations, with an emphasis on introducing practices that reduce the environmental impact, resource needs, and carbon footprint. Her expertise will help to craft the Environmental Impact Plan, Business Plan, Community Impact Plan, and more.
ISO Accreditation
Environmental Analysis
Analytical Chemistry
Water & Electricity Monitoring