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Michael Mayes is the CEO of Quantum 9, a global leader in cannabis license consulting. In an interview with Associated Press, Mayes discussed how unlikely it was for growers to come with a clean record. As the industry moves into a fully legalized one, it’s important to talk about issues that seem to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. For instance, how do we stop thinking of marijuana as an illegal street drug to a common household product? How is the Illinois cannabis industry changing everything?

Illinois Cannabis IndustryMedical Marijuana: The First Step to Changing the Illinois Cannabis Industry

Gov. Pat Quinn signed a bill legalizing marijuana in 2013. It caused a pretty big stir. Making the average person see marijuana as a medical plant would not be an easy feat. The state fully legalized marijuana as of 2020. However, it still doesn’t come without its setbacks.

Anyone with experience in the Illinois cannabis industry is bound to have some criminal record connected to growing. However, legislators saw changes medical marijuana could make. This is why they first allowed people with certain health conditions to purchase medical cannabis products first. Obviously, this really took off–or we wouldn’t be where we are today. In other words, that means full legalization.

Cannabis License ConsultingCue in the Entrepreneurs: Changing the Illinois Economy!

Of course, this new cannabis business opportunity was bound to attract shiny new entrepreneurs. Whether these people were investors, or people looking to build a new business from the ground up. There is no doubt that full legalization was a fantastic idea for Illinois. Similarly, full legalization has drastically changed the Illinois cannabis industry. This month, Illinois broke another record as it pulled in $61 million in revenue from cannabis products.

As entrepreneurs pour in, dying to learn about the industry, it’s important for them to have all of the right resources. Quantum 9, a global leader in cannabis license consulting, is here to help new entrepreneurs. It is our job to help you navigate the new Illinois cannabis industry and the business climate overall. Don’t go into a new industry blind, let us lead you!

Here are some of our resources:

Application Services

Business Plan Services

Facility Design

Morgan Forte

Author Morgan Forte

Hello! My name is Morgan Forte. I am currently in the 2020 class of Quantum 9 Digital Marketing interns, and I recently graduated from Clemson University with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Animal Science. My undergraduate research included childhood development and animal nutrition. I am passionate about environmental awareness and global animal welfare/preservation. I am also a writer currently working on my second fiction novel!

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