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Since the cannabis industry is still a relatively new industry, it is important to keep innovation high within the business. Cannabis licensing experts need to embrace creativity in order to keep up with this market. Our cannabis license consultants at Quantum 9 always keep up with the latest trends and news within the cannabis industry. This is extremely important for your cannabis business to advance and stay on top. With that, our CEO Michael Mayes recently spoke with the Forbes Business Council about how he embraces innovation within his businesses.

cannabis license consultantsInnovation within Cannabis Businesses

To begin with, there are multiple methods you can take to keep innovation alive within a business. This includes activities such as holding quarterly meetings, working on your mindset, or listening to user needs. For example, quarterly meetings allow your team to discuss new trends and ideas that can help innovate the business. With that, listening to user needs is vital for ongoing development. Both of these activities are essential for the cannabis industry. Cannabis licensing experts need to be on top of innovation to keep up with new cannabis information.

Additionally, it is important to keep an open mind within the cannabis business culture. This allows staff to express themselves in a creative manner. Also, embracing creativity within the workplace is key to avoid the normalcy trap. All in all, an open mind creates the most innovative ideas.

cannabis licensing experts

Cannabis Licensing Experts and Metric-Driven Decisions

In addition to the activities above, the CEO of Quantum 9, stresses that metrics should drive your decisions. For example, Quantum 9 began as a public policy and technology company. As time went on, the company morphed into a cannabis licensing company. With that, the company now focuses on building cannabis licensing experts in order to help business entrepreneurs. Mayes ends by stating to not be afraid to monitor and track where new trends are leading.

Finally, the cannabis industry is advancing faster than ever. Five new states legalized cannabis markets in 2020 and we can expect more states to follow. For more information on the cannabis industry and how you can begin a cannabis business, make sure to contact our cannabis license consultants at Quantum 9.

Contact our cannabis licensing experts here.

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Forbes Business Council and Mayes

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