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Lead cannabis cultivation consultant, Ed Rosenthal, talks about the profits in cannabis cultivation. Ed Rosenthal works with the cannabis licensing consultants at Quantum 9.  Also, he brings knowledge into the cannabis consulting company as he is an expert in the weed cultivation market.


Cannabis Cultivation Market

The Cannabis Cultivation Market

So, how does one mix cannabis with business? It is fairly easy, as the demand for weed is high and the market is there. Ed Rosenthal was recently featured on Weedmaps, where he talks about the profits in cannabis cultivation. He states that “marijuana may not be addictive but growing it is.” By that, Ed means the money is there.

To begin with, in order to have success within the cannabis cultivation market, one needs to know cannabis very well. This is why Quantum 9 has Ed Rosenthal on their team. With that, Rosenthal heads up the cultivation division as a Master Gardner Level III at Quantum 9. That’s an impressive title and Rosenthal knows his stuff when it comes to weed. Lastly, his cultivation skills help the cannabis licensing consultants at Quantum 9 be successful in their company.

Mixing Cannabis and Business

As mentioned, Ed is an expert in the cannabis industry and his knowledge makes Quantum 9 an incredibly credible company. Weedmaps describes Ed as the ‘Guru of Ganja’, and they are more than right. In fact, Oaksterdam uses Ed’s Marijuana Grower’s Handbook as an official handbook for classes on weed cultivation. With that, he helps students learn about the profits in cannabis cultivation and how to get them.

Although Ed means business, he still does amazing things for marijuana reform. Currently, he is the CEO of the charity GreenAid. The cannabis license consultants at Quantum 9 respect his work as he helps protect the medical marijuana community in the United States.

All in all, Ed’s knowledge about the cannabis cultivation market is a huge benefit for cannabis license consulting. His expertise allows Quantum 9 to have success in making profits in cannabis cultivation.

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Quantum 9

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